There’s great work happening around Menstrual Education!

Priyanka Kar
3 min readApr 10, 2022

As I continued with my research around period poverty and the stigma associated with it, I wanted to see some existing work already happening in this domain. And what I found blew my mind!

1. The Period Game

The Period Game started in 2014 as a college project by Daniela Gilsanz and Ryan Murphy while at the Rhode Island School. It’s a board game designed to teach menstruation in a fun and engaging way. One can’t play it without saying words like “period” and “tampon”, making it a lot easier to talk about both in real life.

Check out the game here:

2. Cards Against Humanity: Period Pack

Cards Against Humanity is a fill-in-the-blank party game where one player asks a question from the black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. With the company gaining even more of a female voice, they wanted to create a product that was geared specifically towards women. They packaged the cards inside of a maxi-pad, forcing the customer to fully interact with what’s considered to be a taboo product.

Check out the game here:


This is a game for everyone who wants to learn more about the female body and menstrual health. OH WOMAN removes the taboo around menstruation and female sexuality, thus making it possible to talk about one’s own body with more ease, without shame.

Check out the game here:

Such projects not only normalize the conversations around periods but also make them fun and engaging.

As a society, let’s hope that periods will no longer be such a taboo subject and that we can be part of this change. Change begins with us!

